Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Russian Revolution

The Rusian Revolution occured because of many different reasons. The first event that really made the Russian people question their government was when Russia lost a war to Japan. Up to this point, the Russians generally believed that they were superior and the loss proved them wrong. The people were upset and many blamed Tsar Nicholas II. The Tsar then decided to take command of the army despite the fact that he had no prior experience and wasn't tqualified for the job. This was one of the many siginficant mistakes of the Tsar which helped cause he revolution. As expected, the Tsar was very unsucessful as General and he was once again held responsible for the loses of the Russian army. Meanwhile, while the Tsar was at war he left his German wife in charge of the country. This was another fatal error as this basically left Rasputin in charge. Rasputin was an evil monk who had a lot of influence over the Tsarina. He corrupted the court and put his friends and supporters in places of power. Under his rule the government suffered greatly yet the Tsar did nothing.

The war also brought many other problems to Russia. The army was badly led and very poorly organized. The war used most of the trains which could no longer bring food to the cities. Food shortages began, both on the battle firld and back at home. The food shortage worsened as a severe winter hit and the poeple were starving. The citizens soon began protesting against the lack of food and Russia's losses in the war. The Tsar lost support of the army and the soldiers refused to calm the rioters. The Tsar also lost control of the country and the rebellion began.


Africa used to be very different. It was a well developed country and very advanced but this all changed with the arrival of the Europeans. At the turn of the century, many countries in Europe, particularly Britain, France and Germany, decided to form colonies in Africa. The first thing the Europeans changed was to make borders separating the colonies. Many tribes who had lived together before where separated as well as some tribes who didn't get along were forced to be together . The Europeans had power over their colonies and made the original African citizens pay high taxes. Under the Europeans, many well off Africans became very poor.

Africa before the European borders

The main reason for colonization was for resources and Africa had plenty. The Europeans took advantage of this and would buy African exports at very low prices and then would sell it back home at a much higher cost. When the Europeans had taken all they could get from the country they would pack up and leave. Africa relied heavily on their resources to gain money and as the Europeans had taken almost everything, many countries were going into dept. The Europeans leaving also left many other problems for the now independent Africa. Without the Europeans, many countries had to rebuild their government. It was and still is a difficult time for Africa. Countries would frequently change leaders and governments as many only chose leadership roles for their own gain. Many African countries today are still under corrupted governments.

Africa after European invasion