Sunday, June 3, 2007
Pop Culture That Changed the World: Hollywood
One thing we can take from the Holocaust is a better appreciation for human ethics. When the Nazis experiments were discovered, the world was horrified. The Nuremberg Code was developed soon after these discoveries to protect human rights during experiments. Before this code it was assumed that most of these rights were considered common decency and it was taken for granted that they would be followed. The Holocaust proved this assumption wrong. The experiments showed a new level of human disregard as the scientist were so influenced by prejudices and hatred that they could test people like they tested animals.
Another thing we must take away from the Holocaust is that thousands of innocent people were targeted and died for no reason simply because of their religion or because they looked different from the norm. We must study this unfairness as it puts our own prejudices and stereotypes into perspective. It's scary to see how so many countries spew hate for each other for reasons not much better than Hitler's. Its easy to see now that the Holocaust was wrong and inhuman. However, atrocities such as this still occur today, for eample the genocide in Rewanda. It is important for us to look for the similarities between indviduals and appreciate our differences as it is only by doing this can we assure that the Holocaust will never be repeated.
Birds eye view of the fake invasion force
Another plan by the Allies was that they sent fake parachuters into German territory. This was very clever because not only did the Germans fall for this but they also began doubting which attempts were real so many Allied troops were able to enter German area. The Allies also weighed each decision they made carefully. They thought of the many possible outcomes to their actions and how to successfully handle them. The used passed failures such as the Dieppe Raid to help them better prepare for D-Day. Many different types of specialized armoured vehicles where developed by the British after Dieppe to allow engineers to accomplish almost all their tasks under armour. These vehicles were very useful during D-Day. Improvements were also made to communications and bigger ships were built for support. It took much carefull preperation before the Allies executed their attack on Normandy and though there were many casulties because of this threrough planning the Allies succesfully invaded Normandy."According report hitherto reliable source [sic]. American troops concentrating on large scale in Southampton area. Report appears trustworthy and fitted in with plans connected with the regrouping of FUSAG*."
An actual message from the Germans (intercepted by the British) about the imitiation invasion force.
."I have decided to reinforce the defenses in the West, particularly at places from which we shall launch our long-range war against England. For those are the very points at which the enemy must and will attack; there-unless all indications are misleading-will be fought the decisive invasion battle."
A message from Hitler proving he belived the attack was to be near Pas-de-Callais.
Quotes gathered from
* FUSAG: First U.S. Army Group a mainly inactive group after June 1944. Was used to further convice the Germans of an attack at Pas-de-Calais
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Russian Revolution
The war also brought many other problems to Russia. The army was badly led and very poorly organized. The war used most of the trains which could no longer bring food to the cities. Food shortages began, both on the battle firld and back at home. The food shortage worsened as a severe winter hit and the poeple were starving. The citizens soon began protesting against the lack of food and Russia's losses in the war. The Tsar lost support of the army and the soldiers refused to calm the rioters. The Tsar also lost control of the country and the rebellion began.
Africa before the European borders
Monday, April 2, 2007
Social Darwinism
Many countries and societies used Social Darwinism as an excuse for their actions. Most cities would have separated parts to divide different races and classes. The upper class would have many more privileges and opportunities than the lower classes. The upper class would wear expensive clothes, jewelry and so on to show their wealth which in turn showed their superiority. Social Darwinism gave the people, mainly rich upper class whites, justification for their racism, imperialism, capitalism and social discrimination. Social Darwinism promoted hatred between different races and social classes. Upper class citizens would barely even acknowledge the lesser classes and did nothing to remedy the injustices against them as they believed it was their fault to be in that position.
The theory was very popular in Germany and Britain. These countries, along with many other European countries, would attack other countries to "save" and help them as they were considered inferior. These rich countries felt it was entirely their right to take over the homes of the "weak" under the guise of helping them when really they wanted to strengthen their empire for their own gain. Countries saw having a big empire as a sign of their superiority. They also used this as an opportunity to act on their prejudices and many people of different races were unessecarly targeted, harmed and even killed under the name of Social Darwinism.
While I don't completely disagree with the theory of Social Darwinism, I feel it was completely taken out of context. It is no way a legitimate excuse for what many countries did during that time. I believe that you can't decide who is superior just by looking at the colour of their skin or how much money they have.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Journal Entry
I'm quite exhausted, this has been quite the day! I woke up later then usual as Clara, our new maid, forgot to wake me. She's really quite an awkward thing. The way she ran into the room with her face all red, repeating "I'm sorry Mam!" was just dreadful, I think she'll have to go. You have to be careful, a ghastly maid can ruin a whole household not to mention a dinner party. Just imagine! But I did not have any time to deal with her then as my little darling boy, James, ran into the room. In fact I had completely forgotten about her until now, its funny how servants just blend into the room. Well my beautiful boy had apparently ran away from his nurse as she soon came chasing after him into my room. He is getting so big; almost six and looking more like his father, Charles, every day. At this point it felt like a circus was
Rose Fanshaw